

How can we help you at Tokushige Branch Office?




The information on this page is based on common inquiries.


Residents’ Affairs Section Phone: 052-875-2203

Counter No. 4

  • I am changing my address.
  • I need to enroll my child in an elementary school or a junior high school.
  • I want to register my seal.
  • I want to carry out procedures related to the Individual Number Card (“My Number Card”).
  • I need to make a notification of childbirth, death, etc.

 ※ If you have any questions about required documents or other matters, consult with us beforehand by phone or at the counter.

Counter No. 5

  • I need to have a copy of my certificate of residence (juminhyo) issued.

  • I need to have a seal registration certificate (inkan shomei) issued.

Health Insurance and Pension Section

Counter No. 9 Phone: 052-875-2206

  • I want to enroll in the National Pension plan.

  • I have difficulty paying my national pension contribution and want to consult with someone about it.

  • I need information about the medical fee subsidy certificate (iryosho) for children, single-parent families or persons with disabilities.

  • I want to enroll in the National Health Insurance (NHI) program.

  • I want to withdraw from the NHI program.

  • I want to have my NHI premium reduced.

Welfare Section

Counter No. 10 Phone: 052-875-2207

  • I want to use the nursing care insurance (kaigo hoken) service. (Life support for the elderly)

  • I want to obtain a Senior Citizens’ Handbook (keiro techo).

  • I want to obtain a Senior Citizens’ Pass (keiro pasu).

  • I want to consult with someone about nursing homes.

  • I want to have a Physically Disabled Persons’ Handbook or a Protection Handbook issued. ※1
  • I want to use welfare services for persons with physical or intellectual disabilities. (Life support for persons with disabilities)  ※2

Where to carry out procedures

Procedures for (※1) and (※2) should be carried out at a relevant office based on your address.

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※Some procedures related to nursing care insurance and senior citizens cannot be carried out here. If you have any questions, please call us.

Counter No. 13 Phone: 052-878-2508

Open hours for Counter No. 13: 8:45 a.m. to noon, 1:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. (excluding public holidays and New Year holidays)

  • I want to have a Mentally Disabled Persons’ Health & Welfare Handbook issued.

  • I want to use welfare services for persons with mental disabilities or intractable disease patients. (Life support for persons with disabilities)
  • I want to reduce medical expenses related to my disability or intractable disease.

Where to carry out procedures

Procedures handled at Counter No. 13 should be carried out at a relevant office based on your address.

Assistance and Child Welfare Section

Counter No. 11 Phone: 052-875-2213

  • I want to receive the child allowance (jido teate).

  • I want to receive the child-rearing allowance (jido fuyo teate). ※1
  • I want to consult with someone about matters related to single-parent households.

  • I want to consult with someone about child-rearing.

  • I want to enroll my child in a nursery school.

Where to carry out procedures

Procedures for (※1) should be carried out at a relevant office based on your address.

Counter No. 12 Phone: 052-875-2214

  • I want to consult with someone about public assistance.

Where to carry out procedures

Procedures handled at Counter No. 12 should be carried out at a relevant office based on your address.

Taxation Counter

Counter No. 2 Phone: 052-324-9800 (Kanayama Municipal Tax Office Administration Division)

  • I need to have a certificate for taxation/tax exemption (income certificate [shotoku shomeisho]) issued.

  • I need to have a tax payment certificate (nozei shomeisho) issued.

  • I want to file a tax return for municipal/prefectural tax.

  • I want to consult with someone about payment of Nagoya municipal tax (postponement, installment payment, etc.).

  • I want to register/cancel registration for a motor-powered bike.

General Affairs Section

Counter No. 1 Phone: 052-875-2202










